Nutritional Counseling vs. Diets: Why It’s Time to Quit the Diet Culture
With a new year comes resolutions of weight loss. While this is one the most commonly made resolutions, it’s not always executed or viewed correctly. Losing weight is great, yes, but the resolution that people should be making is to be healthier, not necessarily lose weight. You see, when the focus is purely on weight loss, we begin to lose sight of the various factors that go into an overall healthy lifestyle. It’s then we begin to consume too few calories or over exert our body to only wind up losing a pound or two.
If you’re frustrated with the routine struggle of losing weight as a New Year’s resolution, and you’re ready to lead a healthier lifestyle where a benefit could be successful weight loss, then today’s blog is for you! In today’s blog post, the team at Marshalls Creek Wellness Solutions in East Stroudsburg will be talking about nutritional counseling, how it differs from dieting, and why it’s exactly what you need to live a healthier lifestyle and potentially take that excess weight off for good. Let’s get started.
What is nutritional guidance?
First thing’s first, let’s talk a little bit about what nutritional guidance is. To be quite frank, nutritional guidance is exactly what it sounds like, guidance through the complicated and difficult parts of nutrition. In order to live a healthy lifestyle and lose weight in the process, you need to have a thorough understanding of your body and its needs.
More often than not, when people are solely focused on losing weight, they wind up making decisions that aren’t prioritizing the needs of their body. This can lead to your body slowing down its metabolism, storing fat, and becoming more fatigued which, in turn, leads to weight gain. If you’re tired of this sick cycle, then having someone guide you through your nutritional choices, based on your body and its needs, is exactly what you need. This is where the team at Marshalls Creek Wellness Solutions comes in.
What’s covered in nutritional guidance?
As we mentioned earlier, nutrition can be difficult to navigate through; there are so many different factors that contribute to our overall nutrition, it can be challenging to know where to even begin. With nutritional guidance, your specialist will work through various things including, but not limited to:
- Vitamin imbalances
- Signs and symptoms
- Immune system boosts
- Diseases and illnesses
- Weight loss
- Healthy meal choices
As your specialist works through your nutritional history, they will provide you with guidelines that cater to your body’s needs. From there, you will have a better idea of the foods that you need to keep at bay and the ones that your body is craving. With this bit of information, you should be able to curb a lot of the sugar cravings, fatigue, and other health issues that you’ve been struggling with.
Stay Tuned for Part 2
Nutritional guidance is a pretty incredible thing, and it takes some time to dive into. Now that you have a general idea of what nutritional guidance is, stay tuned for part two of our blog series where we cover a few of the ways that you benefit from it and how it differs from dieting. For more information on nutritional guidance or to set up your first session with a specialist, contact our office. We would be more than happy to get you taken care of.